Dse Market Weekly Watch List September 28/09/2024 to 01/10/2024 Stock Market News by Price Action - 2 Dse Market Weekly Watch List September 28/09/2024 to 01/10/2024 watch list is given below ------- 1. UNIONBANK 2. GIB 3. ADNTEL 4. ICBIBANK 5. STANDBANKL 6. SIBL 7. PREMIERBAN 8. UNIQUEHRL 9.ALARABANK 10.ABB1STMF If you want to buy decision from above watch list you can focus on below stock list--- 1.UNIQUEHRL 2.ABB1STMF 3.STANDBANKL 4.ALARABANK Stock marekt is risk . So, do not buy any stock without your personal analysis. you just use our watch list education purpose only.
Dse Stock Market Weekly Watch List June 08/06/2024 To 09/06/2024 Stock Market News by Price Action - 6 Dse Stock Market Weekly Watch List June 08/06/2024 To 09/06/2024 List of watch list after budget---- 1. Rupalibank 2.ITC 3.ORIONPHARM 4.SPCERAMICS 5. OIMEX Stock market is risky. Do not buy or invest without proper knowledge and education learn price action analysis
Dse Stock Market Weekly Watch List February17/02/2024 To 18/02/2024 Stock Market News by samiul hasan - 11 Dse Stock Market Weekly Watch List November 17/02/2024 To 18/02/2024 List of stock which may be halted Sunday market opening….. 1. AL-HAJTEX 2. ABBANK 3.LEGACYFOOT 4.PARAMOUNT If you want to learn how to analysis the stock market then you can learn price action analysis or price action trading.
Dse Stock Market Weekly Watch List November 11/11/2023 To 12/11/2023 Stock Market News by samiul hasan - 7 Dse Stock Market Weekly Watch List November 11/11/2023 To 12/11/2023 List of stock which may be halted tomorrow….. 1.JAMUNAOIL 2. NAVANACNG 3.CVOPRL 4. EASTERNINS 5.OAL 6. NFML 7. CENTRALPHL 8. WMSHIPYARD If you want to consider buying stock from the above list, you can focus on the below list, but in the stock market, there is no perfect analysis. So, take your buy decision to maintain risk management and learn price action analysis. 1. OAL 2. NFML 3. CVOPRL 4. CENTRALPHL 5. WMSHIPYARD
Dse Market Weekly Watch List November 03/11/2023 To 05/11 /2023 Stock Market News by samiul hasan - 8 Dse Market Weekly Watch List November 03/11/2023 To 05/11 /2023 Dse market watch list is given below…… 1. ADNTEL 2. BENGALWTL 3.YPL 4. CVOPRL 5. BDTHAI 6. CENTRALPH 7. AAMRATECH All watch list is suggested based on Price Price Action Analysis. Do not Buy or Sell depending on the given watch list. You can use a watch list for education purposes only. How you buy or sell stock depends on your analysis.